Theory and Practice

Student Voice Meaningful Student Involvement Student Engagement Process
SoundOut Theory and Practice

Meaningful Student Involvement transforms education. SoundOut promotes Meaningful Student Involvement. Learn how.


SoundOut is not just another run-of-the-mill education consulting firm or a flavor-of-the-day advocacy group. Since 2002, we have focused solely on:

These three concepts are are distinct, and serve as the the foundation of our theory and practice throughout education.

SoundOut transforms education with Meaningful Student Involvement for many reasons. The primary one is that Meaningful Student Involvement leads to student engagement. We believe student engagement should be the goal of all education everywhere, all the time. When students are engaged, they experience high levels of self-responsibility, ownership and investment in learning, teaching and leadership. Research shows student engagement can foster high levels of academic achievement among historically disengaged students. It is also the gateway to successful lifelong learning and self-efficacy beyond the school environment.

Lifelong learners are far more likely to be engaged in the well-being of their communities and democracy overall. That is why SoundOut promotes Meaningful Student Involvement, which is the process of engaging students as partners in every facet of school change for the purpose of strengthening their commitment to education, community, and democracy.

SoundOut has a deep understanding of the educational needs, legal and regulatory requirements and fiscal constraints that often dictate the ability of a school to foster student/adult partnerships that support Student Voice through Meaningful Student Involvement.


SoundOut works to…

  • Help schools and agencies maximize resources
  • Make better decisions using performance measurement techniques
  • Improve learning, teaching and leadership processes
  • Increase grant compliance
  • Empower students and adults to genuinely transform schools

SoundOut partners with individual K-12 schools, local districts and regional education agencies, state government education offices, federal programs and nonprofit organizations across the United States and Canada, and internationally. We support people inside education as they transform the structures, cultures and attitudes throughout education. We do this in two primary ways:

  1. Services for Schools: Consultation, Professional DevelopmentTraining for Students, and Professional Coaching.
  2. Services for Individuals: SoundOut Program, our books,  articles, and other tools.

For more information on SoundOut’s theory and practice, contact us.
