
The SoundOut Student Voice Curriculum is based on teaching methods that inspire, engage and empower students. The main methodologies that inform SoundOut are:

  • Differentiated Instruction. Recognizing that students come from a variety of different sources, SoundOut curriculum uses a variety of teaching and learning activities that invite students to participate effectively.
  • SoundOut Student Voice ProgramService Learning. The SoundOut Student Voice Curriculum engages students in learning, as they change their learning communities positively. When students complete the curriculum, develop substantive projects that demonstrate learning in the classroom and meet important community needs.
  • Student-Centered. The SoundOut Student Voice Curriculum considers various approaches and methods of teaching and learning to enhance student voice. It takes into account multiple intelligences and philosophical considerations in all activities.

The SoundOut Student Voice Curriculum also focuses on Integral Education. By involving students and educational researchers, evaluators, teachers, planners, policy makers and advocates, SoundOut provides a broad spectrum of activity for students and help them affect schools at all levels: personal through their classes, school activities, and the entire education system.

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